All my comments are disappearing on the map

Hello, @MortenCopenhagen the comments I gave on the map are disappearing over time, while my comments are mostly about details and my personal experience in relation to that business, and I always tried to write the best details to help others make the best choice. but this case of my comments disappearing is very serious. I gave a total of 47 comments, and about two weeks ago, this number increased to 30, then 23, and then to 17. It seems that Google is disappearing all my comments. I really I have no idea and this issue is very important for me, please help me


Hi @Siavash_T looking at your remaining reviews, the ones that obviously talk about a personal experience with a place are fine. I did some that do not seem to describe personal experience such as

this one just seems to describe the place which perhaps is what is tripping you up.

To get your account reviewed I would suggest first going through your reviews and making sure they’re all a personal experience then fill out this form

Note that lately if a photo is made private as its inappropriate (e.g. duplicate contribution) then any review it is associated with will also be made private.



@Siavash_T several weeks ago I received the first warnings from Google Maps telling a review was not posted. After that, I considered very helpful to frequently watch My contributions → Photos, as well as My contributions → Reviews on the desktop scrolling backwards from most recent into the past as far as possible(!):

  • For the photos I watch for those with a triangle in the upper left (in place of the eye and number of views) with a shaded thumbnail. If I find one, I delete it and make a note for myself for later.
  • If a refused picture was a attached to a review, I need to search that too. As @PaulPavlinovich correctly mentioned, the hidden (private) image will also cause the review to be hidden. Not sure though, if removing the photo (if it was the only one refused) will release the review immediately, later or not all. In some cases, I think, I needed to edit the review also to free it - in at least one case, I copied the text to an editor on my PC, deleted the complete review and created a new one with exact the same text and it worked.
  • Independently of working on the photos, I also scroll back within the reviews searching those showing in red something similar “Not posted”. I so, the first step is to remove all attached photos (and make notes to be able to re-attach them later), save the review without images attached and check My contributions → Reviews and refresh the browser (Ctrl-r) multiple times until the pending state disappears. Great, if it turns to New (or just now or xx minutes ago). If it turns to Not posted again, continue a couple of minutes with Ctrl-R (in some cases, this did work for me), but if Not posted doesn’t go way, some words in your comment prevent it from being accepted. I could several of those by removing most phrases until it was accepted and than adding the text again, sentence by sentence and later word by word.

The process at the desktop did work for me to fix all refuses reviews, but it takes a lot of time and I am not sure, if there is a similar way on the mobile.

Also note, some quite old reviews can be suddenly hidden.

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