@linda_mo , it’s looks like an amazing place. Thank you for sharing this photo with us. Could you provide us more information about the place? Where it is located, what it is famous for, how to arrive there etc…
Hello @linda_mo ,
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Can you please add a bit more details about this photo? Sharing more information about the images you upload will help others to understand why you are sharing and why they should read your posts.
Thank you for your time and please feel free to introduce yourself to the community in Introduce Yourself monthly thread.
Hello @linda_mo and welcome on Connect.
Very beautiful photo, would you mind to share something about it with us, do you live there or you were on holiday? As already mentioned by @MoniV you can introduce yourself to the community by adding a comment to the following post Introduce Yourself January 2020.
Buna seara @linda_mo ai alergat la maraton in Ciucas sau ai participat ca voluntar ?
Multumesc mult
Hi dear @linda_mo
What a beautiful image?
How high is the summit of this mountain?
@To_paul Buna Paul, am participat la maraton, frumoasa zona
Muntii sunt inca frumosi @linda_mo , apreciez faptul ca practici alergare montana la acest nivel, am practicat diverse tipuri de orientare turistica si cunosc cat de greu este alergatul pe teren accidentat.
Multumesc mult.
Hello Moni @MoniV nice to see you!
The photo is taken at a mountain marathon. It is a good place for hiking.
It is located in the Ciucas Mountains, the access is through the Cheia Resort.
Hello Luigi @LuigiZ , thank you for your comment.
Best regards Linda.
Hello @ravindus , glad to be here with you.
I already written.
Thank you for your attention dear @linda_mo