AirAsia Wings!

Air Asia flights fare is cheap off course compared to it’s competitors. But found them that they are not bothered to keep cabin clean. They are just only interested to make fast money compromising on Air safety . An Airline who doesn’t even provide a glass of drinking water to it’s passangers.

Very bad business ethics.


HI @aaryesdee ,

Thank you for sharing this information with us, however I suggest you do this reviews on Google Maps.

Connect is a place to get to know other Local Guides, share your stories, provide feature requests, organize meet-ups, share your feedback, write reviews about places and many more.

P.S.: I have changed the label of your post to Travel, since it will fit better there.

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Hey @aaryesdee ,

Instead of sharing your bad experience, rather tell us what you liked about Bali? Is this your first visit there?

I’ve always wanted to go there and I love to see posts about the beautiful island. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for your visit and comment. I started with my first experience, now on I will write on my good experiences in Bali

I have visited many times to this land of wonders and love Bali.



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Hi @aaryesdee

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. Did you travel to Bali with Airasia? I also have bad experiences.

How many hours does it take you to get from Thailand to Bali?

What have you planned for your trip to Thailand?

How many days will you be there? You can add some photos from your visit in Thailand

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I’m so happy that received a positive note from the community.

I shall write in brief later after my completion of my travel in Bali.

I will be here for a week and my priority is to meet few #localguides so that we can be proud of such moment.

Thanks for your visit and


Hi @aaryesdee

Thanks for your reply. I am waiting to see more photos.

Have a good time and don’t forget to share your experience here.



I shall for the trust reposed on me.

Thanks & Regards
