Satu pekan yang lalu sempat singgah di pegunungan salak bogor, khususnya desa cijeruk yang kini air terjun nya sudah mengering
Hello @Dovi_dov
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How much you have to walk to Waterfall? And how much far it’s from your residential area? You can tell us more about this beautiful place with some wonderful photos.
For uploading Photos on Connect, this feature Uploading a photo on Connect Will be helpful for you.
And for Sharing your experience through photos, this article have some useful information, which you can use in your future posts How to tell a story through your photography.
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Hi @Dovi_dov ,
Welcome to Connect!
Did you perhaps forget to add the photo in your post? No worries, you can easily go on the left side and edit your message and add a photo. I’m including this article as well, which you might find useful: Uploading a photo on Connect.
Here you can read 14 helpful tips for using Connect and Why be a Local Guide?.
Hai @Dovi_dov .
Air terjun Cijeruk yang mengering itu temporary selama musim kering atau sepanjang tahun jadi mengering ?
@BudiFXW sebenarnya dari beberapa kali saya berkunjung air nya tidak pernah kering, tetapi 2 tahun belakangan debit airnya terjun nya sedikit sekali bahkan hampir mengering.
Midah mudahan hanya karena musim kemarau saja.
@BudiFXW Aamiin semoga mas…