Afternoon Snacks, Crispy Luchi with Chicken Curry

It is impossible to talk about Bengali cuisine without mentioning the delicious Luchis. No doubt, I like it very much. So, my lovely wife today prepared these luchis as an afternoon snack.

Follow this step by step recipe to make the delicious dish and enjoy its goodness with your loved ones.

Ingredients of Luchi

  • 3 cup Moida (All purpose flour)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon Sugar
  • 1 cup mustard oil for mixture
  • 1/2 Liter Soybean oil for fry
  • 1 cup water

Let’s Make

To prepare these delicious luchis, first mix maida (All purpose flour), salt, sugar and mustard oil together in a bowl.

To this mix add water and knead a dough. Make sure the dough is firm. Let it rest for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, knead the dough again 3-4 times, so that it becomes soft.

Now, divide the dough into small ball sized portions. Apply oil on these portions, and flatten it in the shape of pooris.

Heat oil in a pan and once hot reduce to lower heat. One by one place the luchis in the hot oil. Wait until it puffs up. Switch sides to cook evenly on both sides. Your Luchis are ready. Let’s serve hot with your favourite curry. I like it with chicken curry.

Thanks Everyone. Hope you all try this recipe.

Stay Home, Stay Safe


Yamee!! Look like very very much taste :heart_eyes: . Thank you very m informative post sharing with us :heart: :rose: .

[ Stay Home, Keep Clean, Stay Healthy and Always Be Happy With Your Friends and Family ]

Best Regards

Omar :bangladesh:


( Click Here & Read My Previous Post )


বাসার সবাই এখন ঘুমাবে আর এই পোস্ট দেখে এখন আমার লাগল ক্ষুধা !!! আমার এখন কি হবে @Designer_Biswajit ? ক্ষুধায় তো আর ঘুমাতে পারব বলে মনে হয় না। যাই হোক, পেটের ক্ষুধা পেট থাক, অনেক সুন্দর লিখেছন, ছবিগুলোও দারুন হয়েছে। ধন্যবাদ।


দাদা কানেক্ট পোস্ট দেয়ার জন্য করাই নিলেন নাকি সব নতুন লাগে ??? @Designer_Biswajit


Thanks for your appreciation @OmarBD vai.


Hope you like luchi :slightly_smiling_face:

@Ant_Bad_Yogi @Austinelewex @SabbirShawon @Nyainurjanah @Muhammad_Usman @FalguniP @user_not_found @VinayKrishna


Very interesting in our language we used Luchi for bad girl and we say this bread Poori and eaten with Chanay(Cholay) @Designer_Biswajit but it has a historic background also for me because my grandfather used to said it luchi I am talking about 30 years before so you remember me my grandfather


Hello @Designer_Biswajit

After reading your post, I can’t deny that I like luchi, I haven’t tasted it before especially your wife’s recipe but I believe all the ingredients you mentioned can be found here in Nigeria.

Will be thinking about it but not in a hurry to prepare it.

We have similar fries here but actually the names differ. Like Puff puff, etc.

Thank you for sharing your home cooking with us on connect.

@Chiazodo @Kingsike @UchechukwuEnem can you remember the name of this cookie here in Nigeria. :grin:


Wow really wonderful @Designer_Biswajit @Muhammad_Usman

You just reminder @Muhammad_Usman his grandfather with your post.

This is awesome.

In Igbo if you put “O” in that word it will become a name of a girl, That is Oluchi meaning “Handmade of God” :rofl: :grinning: :joy:

Language is truly beautiful.


Aap mention by @Muhammad_Usman ji

We call it Puri here in India as well and it’s usually consumed with potato curry, choley or mixed veggies.

Sometimes we add mixed spices, salt and eat it as a snack with tea!

Thanks for sharing @Designer_Biswajit

@Tushar18 @RosyKohli @rizbab28

Check this out


নেক্সট টাইম ঢাকা আসলে আপনার এবং ভাবীর হাতের রান্না খেতে হবে! :smiley: :smiley: ধন্যবাদ @Designer_Biswajit দাদা সবাইকে কোয়ারেন্টাইনে কিছু করতে দেওয়ার জন্য। :smiley: :smiley:


of course, I like luchi my fav snacks with chicken curry or grilled chicken. @Designer_Biswajit thanks dada for share with us


@Designer_Biswajit Wow, that looks yummy. I’m not sure if I have tried it long time ago. If I’m right, I have had it from an Indian restaurant in Bangkok long time ago. I would love to try Bangladesh version too. :slightly_smiling_face: Thank you for sharing this delicious post with us.



Excellent post. I ate a similar dish.


ইচ্ছে করলেও সেটা এখন আর সম্ভব না! কারণ এখন আমি হোম কোয়ারেন্টাইন আছি :yum: পোস্ট এর পরিবেশটা একটু সুন্দর রাখার চেষ্টা মাত্র। @MahabubMunna



ভাই আপনাকে ঘুমাতে না দেওয়ার জন্য আমি আন্তরিকভাবে দুঃখিত। পরিস্থিতি স্বাভাবিক হওয়ার পর একদিন বাসায় চলে আইসেন, ক্ষতিপূরণ স্বরূপ একটা ট্রিট এর ব্যবস্থা করবো! সাথে @AbdusSattar ভাইকে নিয়েে আইসেন।


@Designer_Biswajit greetings for your wife for great afternoon snack ,by the way everything created food by your wife you should always say delicious ,nice everything good .rules here in Indonesia for being good a husband LOL



Thanks for your lovely comment.

Anyway, It’s your luck that you’ve seen your grandfather. Sorry to say, I never saw my grandfather :sleepy:


Hey @Designer_Biswajit

I don’t how , i missed this post. Thanks for tagging me.

My Mother frequently prepares this dish on weekends. We call Luchi as Puri here, I guess both are the same thing.

Your recipes are always amazing. Thanks for sharing.

What do you say @RenuK ?



Puff Puff also a nice name, I like it.

I hope you will try this after this crisis.

Thanks for your nice comment :pray: