1. Himba Tribe Angola:
2. The Tribal Groups of Papua New Guninea
3. The Cattle Camp, The Mundari South Sudan
4. The Gerewol in Chad
5. Baare Festival in Yogua Cameroon
6. The Suri People of Ethopia
7. Hamer Tribe, OMO Valley Ethopia
I would like to thank @MashaPS and @PaulPavlinovich for the great tips on writing good posts.
- Himba Tribe are ancient tribe in northen Namibia that speak the Otjihimba language, population of about 40,000-50,000.
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/cEsjriWQPmuy4zfZ6
- The Tribal Groups of Papua New Guninea : After Greenland ,Papua New Guinea it’s the world’s second largest island, and one of the most sparsely populated countries on the earth, Over 800 languages are spoken, and tribal identities and traditions remain fundamental to the fabric of Papua life.
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/VKwN9NuPYWGEBAhZ8
- The Cattle Camp,The Mundari South Sudan: The Mundari are cattle herders. Cattle serve as food,a mark of status and a form of currency . The Mundari value their cattle more than anything else and are said to sleep close to their cow. They also plant sorghum, maize, groundnuts, simsim and as well catch fish. They keep goats and sheeps too.
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/MUoZAMhkSkvr2VNp7
- The Gerewol in Chad: The nomadic Mbororo people gather for a unique celebration known as the Gerewol after the annual rains, This is a festival that is considered one of the most fascinating cultural experiences in the whole of Africa.
Location: South Western Chad
- The Suri People of Ethopia: The suri people live in southwestern ethopia and inhabit the mountains of the Great Rift Valley, the suri are also referred to as surma people.Their wealth is based on their cattle, and the main food source is the produce from their own crops.
Location: Southwestern Ethopia.
- Hamer Tribe, OMO Valley Ethopia: The Hamar Tribe also inhabit the southwestern ethopia in Omo valley with a population of about 25,000 ,they keep livestock and grow crops, and they place high value on their cattle.
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/B3b2iQ3rSMec57pR6