Affordable map$: Why i love to discover popular places! :)

When you travel to a new country or city, every place is new and worth to be visited! But not always we have the amount of resources needed to enjoy all the places that a city offers - especially when we’re talking about the fancy ones.

And is in that magical moment that i’m proud to be in my role as a local guide: discover popular places!

I feel that trying to discover affordable places i can change a whole trip for people that, for instance, thought that wouldn’t enjoy so much their vacations because lack of money. Instead, i can show them that it’s possible to eat well, have fun and buy souvenirs without spend lots of money.

Im my trips i always try to look after places and activities like this, with free entrance or special prices, sales and offers; because knowing this kind of places is

useful not only to make a trip possible, but also to help someone to don’t order in a place that is unaffordable.

And you guys, have some tips to share about how discover popular places? Let’s share! :slight_smile:

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