Addressing issues


  1. Lots of time i saw in map that some person using their own address for business purpose like subject coachings , insted of place name they are using own name (ex- ankit singh) . I think they are misusing google map. Lots of time i suggest to edit for remove that places but everytime i got failure by the side of google…can i know what is the reason ??

Hello @n33rajpandey ,

I have experienced this issue too. Based on my experience, it is more difficult to edit inappropriate places/businesses that have been claimed by the owners. Those who have claimed their business on GM have more control on their business info.

When I was at Level 3 to 6, I had lots of my edit status were “pending” for weeks and then they ended up with “not applied”. This issue didn’t discourage me to keep contributing through “place edits”. Then when I reached level 7, I felt that most of my edit suggestions for inappropriate businesses/places were approved quickly. I think (but I could be wrong), it takes time for GM engine/team to evaluate your good intention, effort and reputation.

That’s all I can say from my perspective. Keep contributing my friend.


Hello @n33rajpandey ,

Thank you for flagging that. Could you please provide the link of the place you mentioned?

W845+XV Unchahar, Uttar Pradesh

This is the plus code of that address

Hello @n33rajpandey ,

If I understood well, a person is adding randomly places with his business? Is this the mentioned place?

You can tag Connect members in your posts by writing @ before their name. This way they receive a notification and know that you are trying to communicate with them directly.


Do you mean “this Place@n33rajpandey ?

or “this one”?

Please note that you can always use the “share” command in Google Maps, to copy a link

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Place name - coaching for english

Coaching for english yes this is the link

Coaching for english yes this is the link of that place…

Hello @n33rajpandey ,

Thank you for providing more information. I will escalate this issue for the relevant team. I will let you know as soon as I have more information about it. =)

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Hello @n33rajpandey

I would like to inform you that we have removed this mentioned place, therefore we consider this issue solved. Thank you again for reaching out. =)

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