I love contributing in google maps, especially with photos and writing in Arabic and English reviews,
I love the most adding new places, specially restaurants as i’m food rating and testing loving person,
i used to rate or add any restaurant i ate in since i started to contribute in google maps, Egyptian traditional food, Indian food, Italian food, Chinese food and kind of food i ever taste in any restaurant added to google maps all around Egypt
but since i have a lot of foreign friends, who i like to make them tray and taste Egyptian traditional food while their stay in Egypt, i used to visit Egyptian traditional restaurants famous or not and tray and taste their food as much as i can to check the quality and prices range so that i can take my friends to eat in the best place, suddenly i got to think, why don’t i take every one to eat in the best places like i do with my friends,
so every restaurant i visit, i make a review about it’s food taste, quality and prices range, also i add the menu photos or the real food photos if it’s possible.
And as i almost got around all my country Egypt, i visited and reviewed restaurants in all of Egypt.
I used to love eat, but now i love more to present people what is best to eat in Egypt!!