I created a new listing for Renaissance house that is museum in town of Leshten, Bulgaria and I added a couple of pictures to it, to show its beauty.
But the listing is still empty - no pictures - https://goo.gl/maps/sipGkHH75ZFRW9hF7 and pictures are visible in my profile contribution page /pictures tab/ - https://www.google.bg/maps/contrib/109098484485672059970/place/ChIJFzihZ_-XqxQRnCTUvJJnmdk/@41.8945174,24.1285203,10z/data=!4m6!1m5!8m4!1e2!2s109098484485672059970!3m1!1e1?hl=bg .
Is it some glitch or it just need more time?
Thank you.
Hi @BorislavA
This seems to be a new procedure, and I had exactly the same experience with the photos added when I created a place (well, five places really).
All the photos appeared in the location only after 3 to 5 days. Funny, as the photos where added also to my reviews, and publicly visible in there.
Looks like this is related to a new additional check that Google Maps have after the approval of a place.
You just need to wait a bit more
Please let us have a feedback in a few days
I can confirm what @ErmesT stated about the new delay in publishing photos added when creating new places.
I just checked the new places I added over the past days. And I found that places added 3 days ago do show my photo. New places added yesterday and the day before show no photos.
This is for sure different from earlier. Normally such photos would show publicly within minutes.
All the best