Add name for a road


I was trying to add a name for a small road near me, in my country Private home Location is not allowed to add in Google Map for publicly viewing, a road name is most helpful in such situations,

My edit was not applied,

I am a local guide level 7 and product expert in Google Map,

If Google can’t trust me for a road name, what is the value of this level and badge,

This is the road l want to name.

The name is Mythanimukal road,


Hi @Parayil

You are aware anyone can suggest edits & Google doesn’t differentiate between a Local Guide & a Standard Google user.

Levels & badges are an acknowledgement of your contributions. That doesn’t add any weightage to the automated evaluation of the requests.

Nevertheless, have you created a post in the Maps Support forum providing the necessary details?

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When everything is controlled by Automatic algorithms,

What is the benefit of posting in Google maps forums.

Here is the link if others want to take a look:

Dropped pin:

Please share documentation for this being the correct name.



Welcome back @C_T :blush:


In the Google maps forums you will be asked to supply the needed evidence in the form of official (governmental) maps to prove that the name you are suggesting is correct. After that the experts usually will refer the problem to the team should they not be able to fix the problem themselves.

All the best


Hello @Parayil ,

I remember you have been or will be a maps expert in the official forum.

Could you please supply any last edit made by you along with the evidence for escalation?

Keep me posted.

I’m curious who you are going to escalate to @deepakjhic ?

@Parayil Google will only allow the edit of a road name to go through if they can independently verify the name suggested is correct from another source, preferably an official one.

As @MortenCopenhagen suggested if you put your request into the Maps Support Community along with appropriate documentation then the change is likely to be made.


I can escalate any issue related G-Maps.
