Add a missing place results in instant "Not Applied"

I am trying to add a missing place in Google Maps for the local VFW Post. Every time I try the status changes to “Not Applied” right away. I’ve added the correct address and the post’s website address. Am I doing everything correctly? Thank you.


@Egunth I’d suggest you always keep your GPS on and make sure it is accurate when you are adding a place to maps. When I am adding a location on the map I have found that when I am present in the location and GPS is accurate maps tend to approve it in most cases. To know more read this post "Why is my edit status “Pending” or “Not Applied”?

Hi @Egunth ,

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Please note that there are certain items in Google Maps that you cannot edit and these include landmarks, polygon objects, established points-of-interests or even the names of a city/township. Only Google can edit these although you can always send feedback and suggest your changes through Google Maps. To send feedback you can follow these steps below:

  • Find the location in question on the map;

  • Click the hamburger icon ☰;

  • Click Send feedback and Choose your relevant feedback

  • Click Submit

@SaifIS Thanks for your reply and for your help. Please learn more about how edits are reviewed and approved in this topic Why my edits on map are pending and not applied.


Thank you for the help. However, I do not believe that my point falls into any of those non-editable categories. I am trying to add a point under the category “Veterans Organization”. I know the correct address for the point and the website for the organization. I am adding the point on the correct spot on the map. No matter how many times I try to add the point, the status of the edit goes immediately to “Not Applied”. Is there something I can do to ensure that a human is reviewing this edit? Thank you.

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