Ad Missing Road Meet-up

Ad Missing Road Meet-up

Noor Dhaba

NH 9, Humnabad, Karnataka 585330, India

February 24, 2019 @ 21:00 (IST)

Hello everyone Local Guides… Now we are going to conduct a Meet-up for Adding Missing Roads on Google Map Because of there is a more number of missing roads are in Google Map near us, so we should be gathered and first discuss about tips for adding missing roads on Google Map and share correct information about adding missing roads on Google Map

RSVP here


Hi @QaziJunaid ,

Thanks a lot for this Meet-up!

It’s great that you want to create a such Meet-up. We wish you successful Meet-up and great time together!


Thank you so much @PoliMC for supporting us

We gathered and Meet-up about more experience and tips for adding missing roads on Google Map

Thank you so much for and thanks a lot for giving opportunity to us for adding missing roads on Google Map… :smiley::+1: