Achieved as LG level 8

I am delighted to share my experience with the business I review on Google maps and connect

Here are some glimpse.

I earned Master photographer badge on Google maps:

Completed 8 years on Google Maps

I was inspired to write more in future with the guidance of other Local Guides who have shared their wide valuable experience with me.

Now let me show you my achievements this year:

I hope to achieve more better goals, post relevant photos.


Congratulations @ShreyaMusings Keep growing keep contributing :clap:

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Thank you so much @Ssiddharth2000

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@ShreyaMusings Your numbers are fascinating keep growing :chart_with_upwards_trend::clap:t2:

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This is amazing numbers, congratulations :tada:. Keep contributing.

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Wow… Congratulations @ShreyaMusings for reaching level 8.

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Congratulations :clap: @ShreyaMusings

Keep contributing and sharing.

Congratulations @ShreyaMusings :confetti_ball:

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Congratulations @ShreyaMusings :clap:…keep contributing

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Congratulations on reaching Level 8 @ShreyaMusings ! :tada:

It’s truly an incredible milestone and reflects your dedication to helping others through your reviews and contributions.

Keep up the amazing work, and here’s to reaching Level 9 soon! :rocket:

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Thank you so much :blush:

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Thanks for your support @Gouri_S_Prakash

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Thank you :blush:

Thank you @NareshDarji

Thank you @SarathUpendran

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Thank you so much :blush:

@MathanVibranarayan thank you for your support

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Congrats @ShreyaMusings :bouquet:

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Congratulations :tada::clap: @ShreyaMusings for double eight celebrations. Wish you luck!

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Congratulations! @ShreyaMusings

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