Accessible Gujarat: Statue Of Unity (world tallest statue)

Accessible Gujarat: Statue Of Unity

Local Guide Community made the entire plan on a random group video call I hosted. Local Guide Community did the call to wish each other on the festive day of Diwali and to talk to each other. Since it had been quite a while, we had connected. Then we were generally talking about meeting and connecting in person sometime soon to enjoy and have fun. That is when the idea popped up in my head to invite everyone to my place in Valsad, Gujarat and plan a get-together of the local guides community. So we planned that everyone would come to Valsad after the festivities of Diwali end. So they came to my place in Valsad, and we went to the Tithal beach and had the local food items, which all of them enjoyed. Then after we were sitting idle in the nighttime, it struck me that we should go somewhere for a mini trip and have a good time. So we planned on going for a trip to the Statue of Unity and to which everyone agreed upon. So we logged onto the official website, got all the details, and booked our tickets. So the next day, we went for some sightseeing in the nearby areas of Valsad and had planned to leave for Ankleshwar (from where we would go via road to the Statue of Unity). We took a bus from Valsad on 9th November and reached Ankleshwar on the same night. The next day morning, we left for the Statue of Unity. We got there in time and explored the entire monument and its surrounding areas. The local guides community carried out the whole journey smoothly, and it was great fun. It was a memorable trip of which I was a part off.

Had fun with Local Guide team from Gujarat and Mumbai

I would like to thank my all LG friends @FalguniP @Shrut19 @rajuroyal @Arati @i @RoshanPatel @Nikunj19

We planned the trip from Ankleshwar as it is close to Kevadiya (where the Statue is located). It is a roughly 2-hour drive from Ankleshwar and closest to Kevadiya. The place has excellent roads to expect a proper journey without bumps.

The ticket costing for the essential viewing, which is the lower level of the statue costs-, viewing from the topmost level which is viewing from the eye of the statue costs-. The entire monument area and its surroundings are beautiful and modern compared to the medieval and old monuments worldwide. The whole location does not have any flights of stairs and is an entire escalator and elevator based place. Wheelchairs are also offered for those who need them and can be booked online with a ticket. Every floor has restrooms for both men and women and disabled people.

The experience was great as the entire surrounding area featured some magnificent landscapes. The whole group had a great time together, exploring the wonder and the area around it. We weren’t lucky enough to view from the top gallery due to tickets being sold out, but it was still a great experience that I shared with the entire community.

Group photo at Tithal Beach



** @Tejal Didi**

Thankyou so much, you share very recent beautiful memories & bonding with connect…

Very well covered statue of Unity Accessibility…

We cant comment without mentioning

** @rajuroyal **

** @RoshanPatel **

** @ImNikunj91 **

& Bhabhi Roshan Patel … Thank you all…


Thank you once again to supportive family for warm welcoming…


Fantastic meet-up and wonderful detailed recap @Tejal , it seems you guys had alot of fun together there with gaining unlimited knowledge with each other, I wish I could be with you guys in whole this trip.

Thank you so much for sharing and many congratulations to you , @FalguniP , @rajuroyal @Shrut19

@Arati and @RoshanPatel for such an awesome meet-up :ok_hand:



Thank you yes we enjoyed lot with our LG friends such a memorable experience with each other



Thank you all with whom we spent our good times

Sis I think next meetup will be more energetic



** @KashifMisidia **

Thank you Bhai, it’s really wonderful trip & memories.


Really, I missed the great opportunity to meet you all in person. :disappointed_relieved: @Tejal

It is clear from this recap post that you all had a great time. I am very grateful to all of you for giving me the opportunity to join with you indirectly through video conferencing.

It was a pleasure virtual meetup with you @FalguniP, @rajuroyal @Shrut19 @Arati.


@Tejal This is an amazing meetup, of friends coming together, visiting an important place, contributing to accessibility and of course sharing with us friends from all over the world!

Happy to see all of yourselves together @FalguniP @Shrut19 @rajuroyal @Arati @RoshanPatel @Nikunj19

Hope to see many more wonderful meetups like this.


Woah!!! We finally made to Unity of statue :grinning: Thank you so much @Tejal ma’am without you it couldn’t have been possible.

Am glad I got chance to meet you in person. And indeed timing was just perfect.

It was great trip, your recap say it all, :smile:

Thank you again for all the efforts @rajuroyal @RoshanPatel @ImNikunj91 @Shrut19 @RosyKohli @FalguniP :grinning:

Memories that will last forever :slightly_smiling_face:


Happy to see everyone together. Such a nice informative post @Tejal ma’am. All the accessibility featured are well explained in details. Thank you dor the beautiful post


Woooow @Tejal … you all really had a great time down there! Must be excited to meet various members of LG, especially from Gujarat and Mumbai :tada: :tada: . Love to see your smiling faces guys @FalguniP @Arati @Shrut19 et all :heart_decoration: :heart_decoration:


@Tejal wow! This post and pictures bring back memories of those days :partying_face:

It was fun to meet you all personally, explore places and share tasty food.

Thank you for being a great host and for making the trip memorable :sparkling_heart: :hugs:

@NareshDarji we really missed you throughout the trip hopefully we can meet next time.


Delighted to read the wonderfully detailed recap, dear @Tejal,

Extremely happy to see you all, @FalguniP, @rajuroyal @Shrut19 @Arati and @RoshanPatel during such an awesome meet-up!!!

You might have had a lot of fun together there - right?


Thanks, for sharing and many congratulations to you all,



Awesome post with beautiful photo , I missed it, I heard from @FalguniP @Shrut19 @Arati

You all had a blast enjoying each & every moment.

It is in my wish list, let see when I will visit it with my kids. Want to meet you all.



Thank you dear di of India it was nice to see you in person. enjoying with you all and always welcome anytime let’s plan our next trip.

Regards Tejal


@KashifMisidia Yes it is a lovely place to visit do visit as per your convenience we will be there to guide you. We had too much fun with LG friends, Masti and was a nice time.

Regards Tejal



Thank you for your timely support and giving treat of ubadiu seasonal food of south Gujarat.we enjoyed ourselves a lot.

Regards Tejal

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everyone wants to meet you eagerly but we could not meet. better luck next time let’s plan something big event. hope for the best.

Regards Tejal


Sure, @Tejal we will plan something big in feature.

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** @RosyKohli **

हम सभी ने आपको बहोत याद किया, पर जब हम मुंबई में आप के घर आकर मस्ती धमाल मचाया तो तसल्ली हुई , जल्दी ही मिलेंगे।