Accessible for all - Photo walk At Guldhar Rapid x rail station (GZB)

Title:- Access Ramp Are safe for All

Cover creation by LG @ShailendraOjha .


Disabilities icon symbol image


Caption:- disabilities icon symbol image source internet…



So friends, I already planned in Dec.23 ‘Accessible for All’ available ICON symbol highlights & showing of My Google map review & connect post, because every icon symbol’s own definition & meaning,In the same sequence, today I did a photo walk at Guldhar Rapid X Railway Station in Ghaziabad to see the facility of accessible for all, whose review link and photo I am sharing with you.

Caption:- Guldhar rapid x railway station.(GZB).

Caption:- Guldhar station disabled people sign board in Parking Area .

Caption:- disabled people symbol in parking plot.

Caption:- Guldhar station RAMP walkway.

Caption:- lift access for disabled people in Guldhar station.

Caption:- Foto frame of Guldhar rapid x railway station “Accessible for All”.


Google map review link:-

Guldhar Rapid x railway station


Previous connect post Link:-

Solo-explore-accessible :wheelchair:




Disabled access ramps are an absolute must for disabled people, wheelchair users and those who use walking aids, providing a safe for All.

Thanks for stopping.


@ShailendraOjha mir begegnet auf allen meinen Wegen immer nur das Zeichen mit dem Rollstuhl welches für mich auch verständlich ist.


thank you very much for taking the time to read my post. @Annaelisa :pray:


A very neatly drafted and presented post on “accessibility for all,” @ShailendraOjha !

I am tagging here my dear friend, @TusharSuradkar , who eventually kicked off this with many of our friends here.

I wish you all the best!



@ShailendraOjha ji, Thanks for your special focus on accessibility for all. I appreciate your efforts in collecting the information and sharing here with us. All the best!


thank you very much dear दादा @AjitThite for your kind appreciation. :pray: & @TusharSuradkar दादा को :pray:


Thank you very much dear @PrasadVR Ji for your kind words :pray:


Great initiative @ShailendraOjha Sir! Such small steps would surely bring bigger impact when it comes to accessibility for all. Kudos to your efforts towards the great cause! Wishing you best for all your future initiatives. Best of Regards Sir!

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Thanks A lot @AnubhaBangia ji :pray:

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