Accessible Dhaka: WAW Meet-up 2021

Dear Localguides,

As a part of Worldwide Accessibility Walk (WAW), I am going to host a meet-up on 10th December 2021 to commemorate Accessibility Awareness Month. The venue of this meet-up is Mirpur 1 Bus Stop, Dhaka, Bangladesh. We will start the meet-up at 4.00 pm and continue up to 5.30 pm.

During this meet-up will do the below things:

  1. We will check and update the maps with the accessibility features/information found here
  2. We will take photos, videos of accessible features and upload them to the maps
  3. A discussion on the present accessibility situation in Dhaka/Bangladesh
  4. A Q & A session and
  5. Some refreshment

We will follow all the health measures instructed by the government for the pandemic situation.

If you are interested, pls do the RSVP here.

We will be eagerly waiting to meet you at the meet-up venue.

#WAW2021 #localguides #oneaccessibility #AccessibleBangladesh


The bus stop building looks so bright and lighten up.

I hope you have a great experience at the meetup :+1: @MukulR

My best wishes for the meetup and looking forward to the recap.


This is not the bus stop @TusharSuradkar Dada :smiley: :smiley: , this is our parliament building. Actually, the meet-up is about the accessibility of a full town/city but we cannot walk throughout the whole city. I have used the photo of this building as a symbol of the full city, not the venue. Thanks a lot for your nice comments and attention to detail.


Oh… OK. got it :+1: dear @MukulR

I mistook the building as the place or venue for the meetup - bus stop.

The parliament is indeed looking beautiful and is huge. Nice photo and decoration.


I took this photo on 16th December 2019. 16th December is our Victory Day and for the reason, important buildings are decorated nicely like this one. The red and green lights are the colors of our national flag. You can read this post that contains some other decorated buildings on Victory Day @TusharSuradkar Dada. Thanks a lot for your nice comments.

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Dear @MukulR Bhai

I hope that through this meetup accessibility information will be updated on many places of Dhaka.

Best wishes for your Meet-up.

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Dear @KamalHossenR Bhai, Thanks a lot for your good wishes for my meet-up on accessibility. We will try our best to update the maps with accessible features found in Mirpur 1 area. Stay safe.

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All the best dear @MukulR for the meetup.


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