Accessible Bubble

Maybe, I missed this blue wheelchair bubble in Google maps.

Where to find this blue bubble? How to add this bubble?
Recently, I have been revising a few of my reviews to let people know which places are accessible and which places are not.

Thanks for the help.


Hi @O_Nate ,

I’m very happy you’re putting efforts in adding accessibility information to your reviews.

Could the blue wheelchair bubble be the One Accessibility logo? You can find it at the end of the post about the project.

It’s the main thing that comes to my mind, but it might me because I’ve seen it so much :slight_smile:

Or, are you maybe talking about the kind of bubbles that let you know of the places you’ve saved on lists?

You can let people know about the Accessibility of a place by suggesting changes to its description, in each place or multiple places thanks to the “Uncover missing info” feature. Of course you can also do it in a more indirect way, like sharing photos that show different areas or on your reviews like you’re already doing.

I hope I was able to help in some way, please let me know if I didn’t answer what you meant or if I didn’t explain it well.

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