Accessibility Uncovered ♿: Visual Impairment

As part of our advocacy, #OneAccessiblity, we will share information about differently able and profile one location with accessible trails. Look out every week for this enlightening post.

"The most Beautiful things in the world Cannot be seen or even touched, they must felt with the heart. "~ Hellen Keller

Visual Disability :

There are various forms of disability and visual impairment/vision loss is one common type. Visually impairment is the inability to see partially or completely. It also includes issues of colour blindness.

Although, the rate of vision impairment has decreased over the years, more than one billion people have visual disability worldwide. Around 160,000 people are blind or visually impaired in Pakistan.

Visual impairment, nevertheless, may occur more among aging population.

It’s therefore imperative that this group of people are enabled to live a normal life through accessibility. This includes assistive devices and provisions such as ramps, step-free entrances, audio descriptions, large prints, Braille, service animals, screen reading software, markings and labels.

Ida Rieu School and College for Deaf and Blind Ida Rieu School,

Is the perfect example of Accessibility & Braille Education for Visually Disabled people with in very limited Resources.

If you have questions, suggestions or contributions, feel free to comment them below.You can read last week’s round up clicking here.


Thanks for sharing this important work @KashifMisidia my brother and his wife are deaf and have many challenges in life. Fortunately they both see and walk.


Hi @KashifMisidia ,

Thanks for sharing!

This is such an important message to send. Accessibility is about much more than just physical disability. Starting to include visual impairment in the accessibility movement is a great idea, and I personally think it’s great to put more focus on the subject.

Do you see a lot of braille added to public signs and businesses in your area?


Thank you @PaulPavlinovich ,

I believe that the people who have any disability, they are more intellectual than us, because they can use thier hidden powers.

My father was using wheel chair before he passed away for a year, that’s why I could realized the problems with the people who have disabilities. I wrote in detail in my Recap post of Accessibility walk some time ago.

Thank you Paul sir.


Thank you @MortenSI ,

Unfortunately here in Pakistan, and specially in my city, I never saw any sign for the people who have visual disability, therefore we can see many ramps for wheelchairs in some restaurants , parks, hospitals, and other places, but still we have to work for visual impairment.

And we are trying our best to creat awareness with help of the great forum of Local Guides Connect and #oneAccessibility campaign.

Thank you


Well that’s all the more reason to put focus on the subject @KashifMisidia .

I hope to see more of this matter in the future, and I’m sure this movement can come along way.


Thanks for touching on this topic @KashifMisidia . I read a book last on vision and one of the things I learned was that a 20/20 acuity does not equate to visual abilities. It’s important that we have the right medium and institutions that cater to such to create a more inclusive world.


@KashifMisidia thank you for sharing. This is another area of accessibility that requires more attention especially in public places. Also, the right type of technology needs to be made readily available at various locations to enable the visually disabled.

Thanks for being part of the #OneAccessibility team!




I was waiting for such a topic, @KashifMisidia . Thank you for your input. Looking forward to seeing what more you reveal.


Nice post on the theme of #oneaccessibility @KashifMisidia Bhai. You have added some valuable information in this post that made this post informative and helpful. Photos are also descriptive by themselves. Thanks a lot and stay safe.

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Thank you @MukulR for your kind words, I m so glad that you searched and found this old post, and also found it helpful.

I hope your journey to help Differently-abled people by your contributions will be great :+1: Shukriya :pray:

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Very recently I have started working on Accessibility in Bangladesh and taking #oneaccessibility as the guideline for my work. If you get time, please read some of the recaps on my accessibility meet-ups and advise me how I can be more helpful to the disabled people @KashifMisidia .

Thanks once again for this nice and really helpful post.

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That’s so nice @MukulR , I will surely check it.

All the best for your initiative :crossed_fingers:

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