Accessibility tips from Local Guides

Here on Connect, we regularly feature accessibility champions who make a difference by contributing helpful accessibility information on Google Maps.

July is Disability Pride Month and we’ve been so inspired by all of the posts (like this one by Connect Moderator Emeka) you’ve been publishing on this topic. Local Guides have the power to make the world (and the Map) a better place and that has been especially apparent recently.

As the month comes to a close, we wanted to take a moment to feature some tips shared by Local Guides like you who are making a difference on Google Maps by contributing accessibility information.

Address accessibility when hosting meet-ups

Many of you host meet-ups specifically about accessibility, but you can also consider addressing its importance even if it’s not the central focus of your meet-up. Local Guide @JaneBurunina says: “When I host a Local Guides meet-up, first of all, I share with the attendees what accessibility information on Google Maps is, and why it is important. Even if our contribution is small, it makes a difference and can help people who are looking for accessible paths and places.”

Consider making lists of accessible places on Google Maps

While including accessibility information in your photos and reviews is equally important, you can also promote accessible places by creating lists on Google Maps. @Onukakalu says: “I make efforts to promote accessibility on Google Maps, like creating lists on accessibility and highlighting accessibility information in my reviews.”

Include photos of accessible signage

Taking photos of entrance areas, ramps, and bathrooms is very helpful when it comes to accessibility. Another helpful tip is to take photos of signage that you see in public places. @Kwiksatik says: “Ramps and clear signage benefit everyone from a mother with a stroller to the scooter-bound joint surgery patient, to those in wheelchairs. Clear signage (or help to find signage) is a social statement that these populations MATTER. They deserve clear, prominent, easy-to-find direction.”

Thank you all for your passion for making Google Maps more inclusive and accessible, this month and always.

Do you have accessibility tips of your own**? Tell us how you’re making a positive impact and share your tips in the comments below.**


Thanks for the post on accessibility tips @KatieMcBroom I would like to thanks to the local guides who have conducted some wonderful meetups @KashifMisidia @JaneBurunina highlighting the significance of adding information related to wheelchair :wheelchair: accessibility, seating, entrance and toilets. I have made a habit of adding photographs highlighting ramps, placards showing car reservations for :wheelchair: in my reviews. I have also started creating a list of shops with :wheelchair: accessible entrances, parking and seating in my local area.


Thank you @KatieMcBroom for sharing such a great post.

Fortunately, I had a chance to learn by these wonderful and very dedicated local guides as an #oneaccessibility team member.

And tips by these enthusiastic local guides are very useful for everyone who is passionate about Accessibility on Google Maps.

Last month me and @JaneBurunina hosted many meet-ups regarding Accessibility Contributions on Google maps and Accessibility walks.

In our Accessibility Meet-up Series, we got great chance to learn by attendees of meet-ups, and we shared many tips with our friends who joined us. One of them was “Add two more lines in your Google maps review and at least a couple of pictures of entrance, Ramps, Lift, parking or washrooms, it will be great help from you for the community and especially for those people who have different abilities.”

I would like to say thanks to my friends @EmekaUlor , @JaneBurunina and @Kwiksatik for sharing such a helpful tips.

Shukriya :pray:


I want to tag here some of my friends, who are really passionate about Accessibility, and they never miss any :wheelchair: Accessibility meet-up.

@ravindus , @Tejal @Globe_trotter_Ish , @RosyKohli , @AnshukMitra @doc_dells , @MSulaiman @SolaimanHossain

@kasunaaa @Nyainurjanah


Excellent tips on how to promote accessibility @KatieMcBroom


Thanks for sharing useful accessibility tips about helping the differently-abled users of Google Maps.

Following in steps, I have started conducting exclusive Accessibility meetups for Accessible Parks, Accessible Hospitals, and Accessible Government Buildings in Delhi.

Earlier I updated all of my 375+ reviews on Google Maps and also about 50 articles in LG Connect to include Accessibility information.

My idea about a tool to stamp the accessibility icon :wheelchair: on photos uploaded to Google Maps is well received.

Do you know @KatieMcBroom if uploading an image to Google Maps with the accessibility icon stamped on it manually is acceptable? like the ones shown here.



@KashifMisidia , Thank you for tagging me here. @KatieMcBroom Thanks for sharing this article with us.valuble tips and points to remember. Especially when those are coming from experiences of our great accessichampions.:star_struck: :ok_hand:


Thanks for tagging me @KashifMisidia ji ! Thanks for sharing these tips @KatieMcBroom !

I love to contribute towards accessibility and here is my post in which I have shared multiple ways in which local guides can contribute towards accessibility :



@KatieMcBroom thanks a lot for share with us important tips . you maybe happy to know that 2018 we set 12 k sticker all over Bangladesh . our Program photo album : Accessibility Meetup [ BDLG 98th Meetup ]


A much needed post on Accessibility tips… it will help me to share it with my friends, so that they can understand it more… thank you so much @KatieMcBroom

Yesterday only, I had a conversation with a clothing store to introduce ramp at the entrance of their store… let’s hope they implement that too…

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Hi @KashifMisidia

Thank you for mention

Accessibility is one important point today , honestly in my hometown not too popular ,so little hard for review with accessibility facility , but hopefully in the future will be better

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