Accessibility Research Meetup
130 St George St
130 St George St, Toronto, ON M5S, Canada
November 26, 2017 @ 13:00 (EST)
Hi there! I am working with a group of six students at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information. We are doing a student research project on the availability of accessibility information in Google Maps and Google Local Guides’ contributions of accessibility information. To help us in our research, we are interested in conducting interviews with people who have looked for or used the accessibility information in Google Maps (either for themselves or others), and Google Local Guides Level 3 and above. If you fit either of these profiles, and have half an hour on Sunday, November 26 to chat with a couple members of our team, please come visit us at the Robarts Library cafe, located on the main floor of Robarts Library, 130 St. George Street. If you’re not available on November 26, but would like to talk to our team, please send me a message using the Local Guides messaging feature and we can arrange to meet you at a time that is convenient for you! Looking forward to hearing from people in this great community!