Abrarsaeed's application post for Connect Live 2019

Well working on some thing which can help people all around the world is a dream which was not possible for me since I am not a rich man.which I was used to think before… I am doing this to setsfy myself. I want to tell the world that I am living in a very remote area in Pakistan yet i can reach to the whole world and tell them how beautiful is my country and how nice are the people living here. I want to make this world a better place for my children.


same here. I live on a remote area and yet i am happy knowing that i can tell everyone how lovely my place is.

Hi @Abrarsaeed ,

It seems to me that this is your application post for Connect Live 2019. Since all applications should be published in the Local Stories board I decided to relabel your post. I also adjusted the title of your publication. Bear in mind that a clear title will attract more views to your thread, as it gives a clear indication of the content of your post.