About to Lose way home - Scary&Fun

Mostly, I like to rate, review and taking pictures of new place that I have visited. Reasons, I want to see people happy and feel about the place they plan to visit and won’t be worry about lose the ways like me in HONG KONG few months ago. You may want to read my story with my friend down below.


Friendship is the most powerful mental asset to help one another living in the peaceful world, having fun to play and travel everywhere together. Some of you may have visited an enjoyable and unforgettable story with your friends, too. Let me share with you about my friend and our first experience to explore the real world abroad.

First, I will tell you about my friend personality and his real name will be shown at the end of our memory. His name is so meaningful to me. We have be know each other for few until now, he is an inspiration person to my family and me. Intelligent, reflex, fast, patient and reliable friend I can find no one like him. If asking about the place or any area in our country and could giving me the answer with since few second, believe it? Believe it or not, but it is real. He always drives me to the right asking place and on time. Since he is so smart and have very good brain, I have decided to test time abroad with a selected country, HONG KONG. I thought he won’t know this country well.

Second, our mission has been started. Just right after we step away out of our airplane, he has already mentioned, Chek Lap Kok which was the name of our arrival. Then we went together to surrounding area, and it time for us to get to our hotel. I asked, “Do you know where is our reservation hotel?” He responded nothing. Most of the time he doesn’t like talking instead of reading. So I wrote hotel name for him. Yahoo!! here you are, lets go. Then we have arrived to St.Jordan. Unfortunately, we can’t find hotel banner. “You confused my friend”, I said. He said nothing again and stand still. But I was not stand still with him, I have been walking around those area few times, but still can’t find it, I called to hotel for an explanation to find the place still couldn’t fine it. Again, “You go and find; I’m tired”, I told him. Walked to this&there, again and again was making me reality tired. Looking back to my friend ,honestly, I was really angry with him that time. Tried to calm down and sit next to my friend waiting for hotel staff coming again. Kept my eyes on watching, there was a Filipino lady coming from the left and said, “Oh my gosh! you are here.” Lol, she said,“You can’t find our hotel banner because we are at 3rd floor. You have to walk in this small road and take the left.” Oh, my goodness! my friend was right. Smiling at my friend and I said,“I believe you now. You will never left you alone again.” Next day, it time to board back to our nation and now we are here. Still alive! :slight_smile:

WHAT IS MY FRIEND NAME? you may wondering.

I have checked his name right on his passport. First name: Google and Sure name: Maps, and his full name is Google Maps.

** If you smile, please give me a heart button.**

I would like to give a big thanks to all Local guide for sharing your great experiences, pictures and reviews at the place you have been visited. It helps me a lot and won’t allow me to lose the way home. You all have done an amazing job.

My favorite place video: AEON MALL Sen Sok City, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Thanks again!!