About Kaygaon

Kaygaon is one of the oldest village which is situated at Godavari river and there is lord Shiva’s temples(Rameshwar temple,Siddheshwar,Ghoteshwar,Mukteshwar)

And there is also one of the good school Godavari public school Kaygaon which is english medium and which gives good education to the rural student.
All Photos By Dipak Birute.


Hi @yogeshkadve

Thank you for sharing a panoramic view of the riverside at Kaygaon.

Having lived in Aurangabad for the first 30 years of my life I passed this place hundreds of times but never got an opportunity to stop by to admire the beauty.

You have captured the nature niecly. I especially like the blue hues in the last photos.

Congratulations on posting your first article and a warm welcome to the wonderful world of LG Connect :pray:


Wow that first photograph looks so beautiful, welcome to the Local Guides, hope you have fun. We look forward to seeing more amazing places like this.


@yogeshkadve , Congratulations on your first post on connect. :clap: :clap: :clap:

You have nicely captured the beauty of Kayagon and Godavari River. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Comment for improvement - if you can get the horizon level in last photo it would be more pleasing to the eye.

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कनेक्ट करण्यासाठी आपले स्वागत आहे, आणि आपल्या पहिल्या पोस्टबद्दल अभिनंदन.

फोटो अत्युत्कृष्ट आहेत.

पण, तुम्ही या फोटोतील मंदिरांबद्दल अधिक काही सांगू शकाल?

उदाहरणार्थ, तिथे पोहोचण्यासाठी वाहतुकीची काय साधने उपलब्ध आहेत? औरंगाबादवरून तिथे जाण्यासाठी किती वेळ लागतो?

यात्रीकांसाठी तिथे अजून काय सुविधा आहे? इत्यादी.

सर्वात महत्त्वाचे म्हणजे, तुमच्या बद्दल काही सांगू शकाल का?
त्यासाठी आपण या चालू पोस्टमध्ये कॉमेंट बटणावर क्लिक करून ते समाविष्ट करू शकता.

तसेच, जेव्हा आपण प्रत्युत्तर देता तेव्हा कृपया टॅगिंग टूल वापरा @ आणि ज्यांना आपण प्रतिसाद देऊ इच्छित आहात अशा व्यक्तीचे नाव समाविष्ट करा.

PS: The above text is in Marathi.
If you find that difficult to follow, you can always use the translator available on Connect.
You will find that option at the top right corner of the page.

Nevertheless**, if possible, look forward to see a reply in Marathi itself.**


Sunset at Kerala Periyar River


Hi @yogeshkadve ,

very welcome here on Connect, the official Local Guides forum.

Very nice photos, the Kaygaon village should be a very old and very attractive one, the view on the river are stunning, thank you for sharing. Do you live nearby or were you visiting it?

Since you are new here on Connect I’ll also follow the other Local Guides and suggest you to have a look at Your guide to Connect to make yourself comfortable and understand how to best use Connect. A good reference to start writing great contents is also How do I write a post on Connect and How do I follow the original content guidelines on Connect.

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Finally if you wish you might introduce yourself to the community and the other Local Guides by writing something about you in our monthly introduction post: Introduce Yourself January 2021.


@yogeshkadve Thanks for your post with beautiful photos.


Hello @yogeshkadve ,

Welcome to Connect!

Thank you for sharing these amazing photos with us, the area looks incredible!

However, it seems that the text in your post has been taken from an external source and this is against the rules of Connect. In order to avoid putting your post in the off-topic section, kindly edit it using your own words. You can edit your publication following the helpful instructions that you will find here: Edit your post - Why and How To.

Connect is all about originality! For further information, please have a look at the following link.

Since this is your first post, please take some time to read the following article which will help you in the Community: How to choose a topic for your Connect post.



Thank you for sharing these beautiful pics.


Hi @Ankit_Gautam

Thank you for sharing sunset photos at the Periyar river.

However, I’d suggest posting these in a new article as you have done here.

Additionally, I would also suggest changing the setting to display the picture in a larger size - that would look awesome.