

Dear @sansapa

very nice picture from Vietnam.

Please share some more insides with us here on Connect.


Yes, I will try to share a lot of Vietnamese images and people


Hola @sansapa

Hermoso lugar ! me encanta como trabajan la tierra sobre ese tipo de terrenos elevados ! la foto la hiciste con un drone ?

Saludos desde Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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Sí, tomé fotos con el dron. Encantado de conectarme con mi amigo en Vietnam

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Like its so muchhhh beautiful & look very natural. Who is make it this pict from upstair? Or from heli?

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I shot myself with the flycam

Hi @sansapa ,

Just letting you know, I’ve moved your post to the Photography section as it’s more relevant there.

Local Stories is a section where you’ll learn about Local Guides around the globe who are making a positive impact in their communities, efforts to improve accessibility, and more.

You mentioned you took it with a drone, can you tell us what kind? How exactly do you make such photos? You might like the post 5 tips on how to take great drone pictures .

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Đẹp , trông hùng vĩ quá

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hi quê mình đấy còn nghèo khó lắm

hi mình chưa có dịp lên sapa.
hãy phát triển du lịch, các dịch vụ kèm theo du lịch và nuôi trồng. rất tốt đó bạn

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hi ok bạn

Hi @sansapa ,

It would be great of you tell us more about this photo and this place. Adding more information to the pictures that you upload will make your posts more inteesting for the rest of the community.

As you are relevantly new here, I recomend tou to take a look ar the article How do I write a post on Connect? with is going to help to make your posts more engaging.

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yes i will try

Hi @sansapa ,

Please note that if you would like to mention someone in a post you can type the @ symbol followed by the person’s name. That is how the person will receive a notification and will be able to respond to you.

@JavieraAu yes!

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