A Unique Combination of Likes

So there are times when something very unique combination happens in the Connect profile of the local guides. For example, maybe a user has 444 replies, 44 followers, and 4 followings, so these kinds of matches happen maybe once a year for some people or another timeframe for others.

I have just seen something very rare that happens for the first time in my profile. Today in the morning, looking at the Top Topics, I found that my first post got 34 likes, the second one got 44 likes, and the third got 54 likes. Without any delay, I captured the screenshot of this rare combination, a rare moment that happened for the first time with me.


WOW! Magic of numbers.


Bravo @Shaunak :grinning:…
Vseeno Lepe Številke ~ Moje So Precej Manjše…
@Perko :slovenia:…

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Die Faszination der Zahlenkombinationen

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Nice catch there @Shaunak :+1:
I too have had a fascination for numbers since my school days, when we used to play games like spotting vehicles with number plates having a repeat digit.

Recently I spotted my statistics on Connect as below, all rounded to the nearest hundreds :smile:

No doubt Indians knew for thousands of years that even the planets align once 12 years and we celebrate the Mahakumbh. :om:

Numbers are fascinating…!


@Shaunak Wow, that’s an incredible observation! It’s fascinating how such unique combinations happen every now and then, adding an extra layer of joy to our Local Guides journey. The symmetry in the likes on your posts is indeed rare and special—definitely a moment worth capturing! It’s little surprises like these that make contributing to the community so much fun. Thanks for sharing this delightful experience with us!

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Ya absolutely :100:

Thanks a lot @Perko :+1:

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Ya indeed it’s a fascinating number @Annaelisa

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Oh that’s really nice to hear @TusharSuradkar about your story. Even I have something similar like your profile a couple of days ago.

Thank you so much for your so detailed reply @Gazi_BD indeed it’s a rare moment. I am glad that I am able to catch this moment and captured it in screenshot.

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