One of the great pleasures of traveling to other countries beside learning the culture, is experience their food.
Here in Connect, we can learn about it, and see beautiful and tasty photos of food in differents points, and latitudes in the world. All this food pictures, that all of us Local Guide share to each other, invite me to look and seek if there are representation in Restaurants, of the four Cardinal Points, on my country, Puerto Rico. Just as a reminder, I live in the Caribbean.
In order make interesting my seach, I will ask Google Map to search the restaurant and then I will verify if this is a Restaurant chain, or a local business. So I can try to get an authentic flavor representation of country in the menu food, and visit a local business.
in Today’s post I point to our South,there is a lot of Countries as options. Then, I ask Google Map to search for Argentina Restaurants. Argentina Is famous for their Meat and the Asados, I found out there is a large list of Restaurants. more than 20 establishment near my location
I decide to use the review rating and proximavility , and finished selecting and visiting the
34 Sur Restaurant. Less than 24 minutes from my home, is located in the Design Plaza Mall in the Arbolote road in Guaynabo. With a capacity of 36 persons, you can choose a A/C sitting area or eat in the outside area.
Talking with the waiter, I learn 34 Sur Restaurant is a local business and started about 6 year ago, and the owner name is Max, and In a busy night, like the one I choose, he still find time to said hello to newcomer like me. On a search on internet you can find also the 34 sur, restaurant name , is some kind of reference of Buenos Aires latitude in the world map.
A lot of option in the Menu. Here is a picture of what I get:
Photo include Churrasco, sausage, Short ribs, Chicken, pork and Tostones. Food was great, meet flavor is different to the one I prepare at my home. There is a sauce called chimichurri, a oil base sauce that include garlic, parsley, and oregano. This sauce gave an additional explotion of flavor to a excellent cooked Meat.
I will continue to post foods from the 4 cardinal points that have Restaurants in Puerto Rico. On my next post I will be staying on my search on the South Cardinal Point. Looking for food from South America. Later will look for the East point, looking first restaurants from Europe, Mediterranean, and Middle East.
What about you? Do you have next to your area Restaurants that offer meals from other Latitudes and Cardinal Points in the world? Enjoy.