A Successful Story in Support Small & Micro Business - Part I

Helping others can be done through the simplest way and of course, for free. Most importantly, doing it with love and pure sincere motivation to support micro to small businesses around the neighbourhood.

I like to eat fried rice. This particular cook has “the best” or I’d say “top-rated” Nasi Goreng around Cengkareng Area. I decided to ask whether he already made the Google Maps marker yet, he said, “no”.

I decided to make one for him with the name “Nasi Goreng Bang Jago” and sent the G-Maps link to him. So, he can share it with the customers to give top reviews on it.

Now, it has a good impact of 1,000 total views!

Hope his business in selling fried rice and other kinds of stuff will be greater by this breakthrough.

Lastly, I encouraged more local guides, especially the ones in Indonesia to actively support the “hidden gem” small businesses either in foods or other shops for them to be recognized. As, we are thriving to Society 5.0. in this Digital Age. Younger generations are preferring digital ratings and one of them through Google Maps to decide their behavior to shop around.



Local Guide IX


@Sierra_Papa-Kilo Great impact! well done!



Gute Vorgehensweise und sehr hilfreich :+1:

Great Keep Going @Sierra_Papa-Kilo

Hai @Sierra_Papa-Kilo .

Congratulation, yoir contribution to help Nasi Goreng Bang Jago have been viewed more than a thousands times.

Thank you for helping small business in Indonesia.

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy.