Macha is a place where people sitting or traditional seating place called MACHA**(**মাচা). Every village in the local area seen ‘macha’ almost every house under tree. But no-a-days it’s seen rare. It’s an important & interesting place for young or aged person for take rest, time pass or gossiping with one another. After hard working people take rest here, young people play Ludu or Card even sometimes someone sleeping in the macha.
**Seeing the Macha:**The road side, pond edge, last end of courtyard, field even bank of river seen macha. As it made under a big tree or under branch of tree, this place keeps cold & fresh air get easily here. Local area it is traditional for village people.
The traditional seating place/macha is made by bamboo, wood, small tree or betel nut tree. But many of macha made by bamboo. There is different size small, medium or large macha is made so that many people sit together.
HereIshare some picturesofMacha collect & captured if you have any picture such of this please share by comment
@TusharSuradkar Thank you for your nice comments.
In Bangladesh, village people normally used to macha for seat, chat & take rest. I also see the macha at watch tower, hills area for controlling illegal work but don’t know before about ‘keep an eye on the crops and the birds’.
It’s my one of the favorite place for Enjoying nature, take relaxation & gossip with friends and family. Thanks @MonirHB for share with us this beautiful place & picture
@MonirHB Que interessante. Na área rural daqui da região costuma fazer essas plataformas de madeira (com cobertura) para colocar galão de leite, para o caminhão da cooperativa passar e levar, isso impede que bichos subam.
Bater um papo com os amigos e é sempre muito bom, o que percebi que as fotos só tem figuras masculinas, as mulheres não utilizam esse local?