A Rose for the Planet - a new Local Guides campaign


I followed the link you shared with me. I read Your post. Beautiful photos with interesting information. I notice a change in the weather, but I can’t estimate the scale. Winter has become warm, summer cold. The climate is changing. Do you think climate change is fast? How long can it take for us to see the global difference? I read about melting glaciers that contribute to global destruction. What do you Think?



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Hi @ErmesT

I was on holiday last week and thought about you when I saw a cherry blossom in febrary in the mountain!

I was surprised adn so sad. Here is the pic:

Have a nice sunday.

See you around



I know exactly what you mean @Julien44 , and we are having cherry blossoming here too.

I wanted to go outside and taking some photo, but it is heavy raining here…

Bees have come out of hibernation 2-3 weeks in advance, and a possible drop of the temperature can kill them. I do not want to imagine this scenario


i fa piacere rileggerti @ermest !!

Me encantó la sorpresa de escucharte en el primer Podcast de la comunidad de Argentina! Gracias!!

Está semana empezaron las clases de la escuela primaria en Argentina.

Sucedió que durante el almuerzo tuvimos una extraña visita:

Nos encantó ver está bella cotorra, y hasta se posó unos instantes sobre mi cabeza, provocando la risa de los niños.

Pero lamentablemente, Buenos Aires, no debería ser zona de este tipo de aves de zonas más tropicales.

Es una pena los cambios que se originan en el planeta a causa de la mano del hombre. Trataré de explayarme más sobre este tema en un post. Si me dan los tiempos!! ?

Un gran saludo desde Buenos Aires!





Oh, what a smart initiative!

I’ll be glad to join if I get to find “my flower” (hopefully not!), @ErmesT .

FYI: This is my pick to send to the Spanish journalist Captain Possuelo, as -to my mind- it shows the beauty and the power of what a Local Guide could do through Connect!


Thank you so much for your feedback, @SonjaPerera , feel free to share my post, just please let me have a link, when available.

#arosefortheplanet Is part of the awareness program about the environment started more than two years ago through #LocalGuidesCleanTheWorld.

Feel free to pick and share your symbols of the climate change whenever you want, or whenever you can.

If you want to know more about how much we can impact the world, through this community, I suggested you to read :A Matter of Love - My long journey as a Local Guide


Hello . Interesting subject. I will join with your campaign. I Followed the link you shared with me. I read Your post. Beautiful photos with interesting information.


هل لي ان اقترح مبادرة جميلة وهي ان نساعد كوكبنا بان يقوم كل واحد منا بزراعة ولو وردة صغيرة او شجرة صغيرة كمساعدة منه للكوكب علي ان تتولي جوجل رعاية المبادرة

I don’t see a lot of birds now a days in my area. The crows were a common thing in 90s or even the first few years of the last decade. But now, they are totally gone. I guess, this is another reality as the climate change is affecting not only the earth but the species surrounding us as well.

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@ErmesT Благодаря ви. Много интересна тема. Ще се присъединя към вашата компания. Страхотна идея. Подготвям публикация за моята страна, България.

Надпис : бяла роза в градина,Ани (сестра ми) помирисва розата. сниман през май 2018 г. Снимка: Местен гид @Armannese

Thanks @Armannese

If you want to show to the community how the climate change is impacting our planet, you are in the right place.

The photo of the rose in the post was taken at the beginning of January, in the middle of the winter, when we should expect snow, not roses.

If you only want to share photos of flowers, I suggest you to use this thread instead: Local Guides Garden - Year 4 - Describe your World [through the flowers]


Ho piantato al mio balcone a Febbraio, è appena sbloccano le sue meraviglie farò delle foto bellissime

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Hi @ErmesT . It´s so goo good hearing you about Planet and Rose. Really we are needing to see much more for our Planet beauty than just technology. Earth is a perfect planet and we must keep as good as possible!

This hibiscus is from a Marinha do Brasil Park, in my city, Porto Alegre RS. For me it means the softly of Life!

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I have a mixed opinion about global warming, sometimes wondering if it’s true or not. I noticed that in summer it can get extremely hot (I live in Romania), but comparing the last 6 years, year by year, I did not notice any big difference between the temperatures of summer. And now speaking about winters in Romania, this winter 2024-2025 has been quite harsh, we had a lot of rain, snow and wind and temperatures dropping to - 7 C and below, which I say were lower (colder) compared to previous years (winters). So while I admire and respect the industry efforts to turn to sustainability, recyclable materials and electric cars and electric trucks, I don’t think the weather and temperatures will care much about what we do. Only the air we breath will get cleaner and maybe the food, but temperature wise I don’t think we can change anything. We have to remember the planet has been around millions of years and there’s only been one Ice age, no Global meltdown, so I think that whatever we do in the next 1000 years we won’t be able to cause a “global meltdown”.