I´m Patrícia from Portugal and I live in Madeira Island.
My last year was a crazy Local Guide year because I’ve met people from all over the world, through Local Guides Connect page and in Connect Live 2019!
I began my contributions for Maps in 2016 and I’ve received invitations to participate in 2017 Summit and in 2018 Connect Live. I didn´t apply at the time because I thought I wouldn´t have a chance!
I’ve researched about Connect Program and when I’ve received the Invitation for Connect Live 2019 (my third invitation!). I’ve finally decided to apply. Meanwhile I met people on the Connect Forum.
In that moment I wouldn´t imagine the impact that Local Guides Program would have in my life!
This is an incredible social and sociological experience and I specially love to see photos from different places of the world and about food in Connect Forum. I also find help about Maps when I need it, there are lots of people helping you, specially Connect Moderators.
Last November I’ve met “face to face” some of the people from Local Guides Connect and I had four incredible days in which I felt like a young child again.
It was true! I traveled to the other side of the world and I was in the USA, in Googolplex.
Back to Portugal I was interviewed for some newspapers and for a TV channel and lately I gave an Interview for the 15th anniversary of Google Maps. Now, my friends and students call me the “Google Girl” because I was selected for the event.
So, I can say that Local Guides means to me a big Positive wave! I feel so Positive and I try to give back this feeling to others. I Love the feeling of helping others through my contributions or explaining others how they could do their contributions.
I love the positive feedback that I receive every month in my email and I feel responsible for quality and useful contributions to the Maps.
In my last report I saw that I´m contributing for 55 consecutive weeks. In fact, I contribute almost every day. Sometimes I edit the Map because Madeira is the “World’s Leading Island Destination” since 2015 and it has a big number of visitors that add places to Maps in their own language, that I translate to Portuguese.
But what I really love is adding places and photos and lately some Walking Paths that aren´t in the Map, especially Nature Hiking Paths that are very popular in the island.
Finally I must talk about my Lists! I´m so proud of them! In only two lists I have 80 followers. I try to use my professional skills as History teacher and Special needs teacher to elaborate them. My last one is the Accessible Funchal Tour where I suggest a Tour in the city center whit the accessibility information about the places. I feel that I can make a difference helping others whit this lists.
I always contributed in a Volunteer basis without expecting something back and I feel I get so much from Local Guides Program. I really feel grateful!
P.S. - Be Safe, Stay Home. I hope that soon we could all leave out safely and enjoy our wonderful world even more.