Hi people!
My name is Ricardo, I’m a journalist in Brazil and currently I’m a local guide level 7. I think that the local guides program is a perfect place to share what we think about the world and make the difference giving ours feedbacks to the comunity. And I can say that the program is good too to make us undestand our reality. I can explain: when i’m on my city and see that one good place, a restaurant or a mechanich of cars that have a good work, are not in the maps… that’s just frustrating… Because I want to share that I have a good experience in those places and I want to make they remember to keep the good work - or to get better when it’s not good at all. In Google Maps, the power is up to us.
Like, when I travel with my family to another city or country, I want to have informations that help me and my family or friends to explore the places and I CAN SHARE, when I can, the good experiences to the comunity too. I can say that by doing that, I can do my difference not only to the world, but for the people I love must!
I’m from Brazil, and speaks portuguese, and… I’m I journalist. I always want to share the experiences in portuguese - but I can try in english too, it’s not a problem for me. But I think that when I share experiences in portuguese to another people in… PORTUGUESE (if I’m in travel in Italy, for example) I know that another portuguese people can be helped. And the stars? Well, It’s a good way to point if we like a place in any language or not.
And that’s it! Hope’s I can continue to help everyone in this platform!
Oh, and that’s my daughter in Italy last year! Going to Rome? Please, visit Binario 37! See may review from this particular place here in this link.