A Picture of Hope

This month in Nigeria has definitely been one filled with many emotions. Our presidential and gubernatorial elections are coming up and the atmosphere is a bit tense with no one truly knowing what the outcome will be.


- Presidential Election: Saturday, February 16th

- Gubernatorial Election: Saturday, March 2nd

The image below was taken in Imo State, Nigeria and serves as a reminder (to me personally) of hope in the country.

The sun is shining on the right side of the city (both literally and figuratively). Whatever the outcome is, I hope for progress and growth in the country. We have much to celebrate as a nation and much to strive for as we gear towards the upcoming years.

Chinonso Onukwugha


@U-royFelixA for President!

I’d vote for him :slight_smile:

This isn’t quite on topic for Connect because we try to keep politics away from Local Guides but I understand and support your desire for hope and change @ChinonsoOnukwugha


Haha awesome.

Thanks for the fyi @PaulPavlinovich ! Good to know, still getting the hang :slight_smile:


@PaulPavlinovich What? Oh, Paul, you crack me up :rofl::rofl::rofl:


@ChinonsoOnukwugha Thanks for sharing. I pray for peace during the Nigeria elections.

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Thank you, likewise!

Hi @ChinonsoOnukwugha ,

Thank you for participating in Local Guides Connect.

As @PaulPavlinovich mentioned you post is not quite on topic, but your photo is really great and I hope that everything will be alright in Nigeria.

Please don’t forget that your posts must stay on topic and get acquainted with the following articles, which will help you make your experience here much more enjoyable: 14 helpful tips for using connect and Local Guides program rules.


@ChinonsoOnukwugha thanks for being positive and for sharing photos from Owerri.

That’s the Akachi Sculpture and I look forward to getting closer to it.

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Thank you, always!

Looking forward to reading your recap on it!