A new thing like checking facts!

I am quite excited about this because I know it is to help improve the maps. I don’t think we get points for it though(lol) so point seekers no excitement about this. The question, Is it new,has anyone else seen it?

It’s like checking facts or gathering information about how much you use the Google Search and maps. They were questions related to the different places I have searched on the maps and places I have been to as well.

  • I answered questions like how satisfied were you with the search?
  • Did you find the place or business?
  • Would you recommend the place

Etc. It was quite interesting. I will be happy to know if others have answered questions like that. It went on for some 15 minutes,question after question, place after place. Then it ended,the screenshot below

I suppose it’s a new thing, I don’t know. Comments please if you don’t mind. Thanks



Hello @SholaIB

I got questions like you on my app google maps too.I think this feature not really new,cause I feel contribution for that feature but early year my experience as local guide,I don’t know why this feature missing 1-2 years ago and today is back.

I enjoy it .

Thank you !

Hello @Nyainurjanah

Thank you for that information. I thought it was new. It’s the first time I saw it since I started using the maps so I was excited to share it here with others. I Haven’t been too long on the job so… :sweat_smile: .


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