All the places I have added to the map have reached 0.5 million views today. This is a new record for me.
Congratulations @MoklasurRahman
I want to inform you that I just released your post from spam quarantine. Our filter is working to protect the community and you from unwanted content, but sometimes it can be triggered by something and remove a legitimate post.
Moderators are patrolling the quarantine to release the good post so, if your post has been rejected, don’t post it again. Simply tag a moderator (check here and here).
For more information you can read: Why was my Connect post marked as spam?
Congratulations on the achievement @MoklasurRahman
This is an impressive feat - a lot of people are viewing your reviews and they seem to be quite helpful
However, there are several places where you have posted duplicate photos for example Hotel Park, Sangram hospital, and China Bangla shopping complex to name a few. I’d strongly recommend removing duplicate photos before someone else notices or reports them.
@MoklasurRahman Congratulations!
We are waiting to see more achievements by you.
Carry On…
Happy Guideing!
Well done and congratulations on your impressive views achievement @MoklasurRahman . As Local Guides it’s an awesome feeling when we see that our photos and reviews are being viewed by so many people!