I like to comment on google maps because I want to give an opinion based on what I feel. The opinions that I write do not take sides. So it can be a reference for those who need information or introspection. Usually the opinions I write can make angry read, but it all comes back to us what is the purpose of reading comments. I like to comment on a place that I have visited and that is interesting to me and to everyone. The places I commented on include
- eating place I will write a comment about the most important taste and then follow how the atmosphere is, how it looks, and what is not less important is the price
- Hotels / inns This is what I reviewed is the condition of the room, environmental conditions, services, facilities and even the quality of the food at breakfast
- tourist attractions I usually write about popular tourist attractions to visit, as well as anyone who is suitable to visit it. Because there are places that provide what or different information that is interesting for visitors. Besides that there are some extreme places that usually give info about terrain the road to the location. especially if the tourist attractions are related to the outdoors so that’s temporary that I can write.
I will always comment on the places I have visited to help visitors in terms of information about the place.
thank you for reading my review