A man of colours and his love for street art

To me there’s a great difference between graffiti and street art. Both can be beautiful or absolutely not, but to me the biggest difference is whether it’s been made legally or illegally.

Due to the nature of my business and my love for travelling, I get to go to Australia 1-2 times a year. Often my days are packed with meetings, so when I have time off to myself I go out and explore the city I’m in. I do review restaurants and cafes, small business, etc. but recently I have taken to the streets searching for street art. To find hidden treasures one have to be open minded and curious. You never know what you might find around the next corner, so you have to be ‘unlimited’ to dig up something special.

Street art can be the size of a fist or cover a whole building. It can be limited to just one colour or make use of the whole palette of colours. Some are cartoon style and some are photo realistic. Some are adverts for a local business or made for a council. Some put a big smile on your face and some makes you think about what life is all about.

Searching for street art serves a couple of purposes for me. I get fresh air and exercise. I get to see parts of a city I wouldn’t have seen otherwise. I meet locals and share stories, and I return home with loads of pictures of a colourful world.

The pictures below describes some of the variations found in Street Art.

To view more of the photos I took during my recent trip to Adelaide click this link.