A Local Guide – Who passionate to share Street Views on Google Maps!

Local guides - A family who stays globally but contribute together on Google Maps. In my point of view local guides means to help people, explore new places and learn new things. I’m a small part of this family and really proud on it. Our small contribution can help millions of people.

About Me:

I’m Deep Pancholi, Computer Engineering Student and currently living in Vadodara which is located in Gujarat, India. As a student, I’m interested in Photography, Technology, to help other people and learn something new.

Experience with Program:

I Joined Local Guides in October 2016 and started to use Local Guides connect in December 2016.

In my opinion, Google Maps is a platform that you can travel whole world virtually, that’s why I’m passionate to share Photos, Videos, 360 Photos and Reviews on it.

Some of the Google Maps Services like Street View, SOS Alert, Locate Toilet Using Google Maps (India) and “Wheelchair Accessible” Routes in Transits Navigation are one of the best and helpful features which are very useful in people’s life globally.

Why Street View?

Most of the people search on google maps before visiting any place.

Google Street View is one of the very helpful service that offers transparency and excitement.

The street view virtual tour is there when pulling up search results on google maps. All you have to do is click in to explore and learn more.

You can see what a place look like and quickly get to know an area by looking around.

My Contribution:

In Google Maps, I love to share Street View Photos. I had started taking Street View photos by Google Street View Mobile application, and then Earned Street View Trusted Photographer Badge, and currently I’m using 360° Camera for taking photos and creating virtual tours.

I’ve posted 2200+ 360°Photos which in included 80+ Street Views on Google Maps. My Photo Views reached 32 Million+ views on Google Maps and increasing day by day as my contributions represents Indian culture and it helps millions of people globally.

Here are some of Google Maps Virtual Tours, that I’ve contributed:

1: Kirti Mandir (Temple of Fame) - https://goo.gl/eqnPvv

2: Jami Mosque - https://goo.gl/xT9uhK

3: Kumbhalgarh Fort - https://goo.gl/RLSYQQ

4: Ranakpur Jain Temple - https://goo.gl/CUQ25f

5: Baroda Museum and Picture Gallery - https://goo.gl/hbLGgc

Here is some of my Street Views Example:

Experience with LGSummit 2017:

On 19th May 2017, I received an email that you’re selected for local guides summit 2017 and I was very excited to meet other local guides, Google Moderators and Googlers!

What a wonderful event it was. I met 150 local guides who came from different countries, Google Moderators and Googlers at Googleplex! I learned new things, shared my experience with others and explored many places. That was wonderful and lifetime opportunity for me to meet Google Moderators, local guides and Googlers!

Meet-up Hosts:

Host a Meet-up is also very interesting part in local guides connect. I’ve hosted meet-ups many times and had a great experience with this, where you can meet other local guides personally and learn new things and share your experience with others.

Waghodia Road Edit Meet-up: https://goo.gl/PuHVec

My Photo Walk Meet-up Recap: https://goo.gl/pJ4AUb

Let’s click Together! Meet-up: https://goo.gl/5vkzbn

Waghodia Road Edits 2 Meet-up: https://goo.gl/g91y7J

Vadodara Photo Walk Meet-up: https://goo.gl/DjnRyg

My Experience with Local Guides Connect:

Local Guides Connect is the best way to Connect and learn new things with other Local Guides and Google Team. We can share our Ideas, thoughts with other Local Guides and Google Moderators. Apart from that, we can also share our knowledge to solve other local guides quires.

When I was new to the connect other local guides and Google Moderators are very helpful to me. Whenever I need any help they were always ready to help me and I was always ready to learn new thing.

Why I’ve to Participate in Connect Live 2019:

I would like to Participate this year’s Connect Live 2019 Event for sharing my experiences with others, to learn more about this programme and explore new places.

At the end, I’d like to thank you all the local guides, Google Moderators and Google team who always ready to support and appreciated me on each and every moment.

Happy Mapping & Keep Contributing :slight_smile: