A Local Guide Story on Staying Fit Amid Lockdown

Before the start of the lock-down in my local community due to the rapid increase in COVID-19 cases, I was going to the fitness center religiously for at least 6 days a week doing moderate weightlifting exercises and then play squash/badminton with my friends. This was my fixed routine from the past 10 years which helped me in maintaining my desirable body weight. So, when I received an email from my office with the instructions to perform my office duties from home until the further notice from them, the first thing which came in my mind was how I am going to stay fit and keep my weight in check at home? So, I discussed this matter with my wife who helped me in drafting the list of activities which I can perform at home to stay healthy and fit.

1. Walking:
I started walking in my home at a healthy pace for hours, I used the smart watch to record my steps and have set the walking target to 15000 steps/day (Equivalent to 12.4 Kms). This has resulted in an increase in my metabolic rate with significant increase in Calories burnt through out the day. I started completing at least 4K-5K steps while feeding my kids (They are extremely slow in completing their meals).

2. Body-weight Exercises:

The only body weight exercises which I performed before the lock down were Push ups, pull ups and abdominal crunches. Now with the help of my wife, I have learned many more body weight exercises such as Burpees, Lunges, Jump Squats, Mountain Climbers, side Lunges and Jumping jacks. Now It has became a habit for us (me and my wife) to complete a workout session on daily basis, burning on an average 150 calories/30 minutes of session.

3. Fitness Challenge

Me and my friends have started throwing fun fitness challenges at each other. Everyday anonymously we will select a body weight exercise and later we will share our videos of the challenged workout.

Core crush challenge-Completed 80 Reps in 45 Seconds

Clap Push up-Completed 25 in 1 minute

4. Household Help

I started helping my wife in her daily household chores, this was a win-win situation for both the parties, I was staying active by indulging in these activities and she was getting some extra time to spend in front of mirror with her cosmetic and beauty products.

So, In conclusion the lesson which I learned in this lock down is, I do have the ability of staying fit and healthy even at home by eating the right diet with good nutritional value along with good walking habits and spending sometime (~30 minutes) in body weight exercises. In fact I have lost 1.5 kgs of unwanted fat from my body in 28 days of lock-down.

I request my fellow local guides to share their stories on how they are staying fit and healthy amid this lock-down, what healthy indoor activities they are undertaking to avoid the unwanted gain of weight.

@Kian1510 Please do share your Yoga activities on staying fit and healthy.


That’s a very thoughtful post. Thanks @fasi6083

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Hello @fasi6083 I couldn’t figure out what to actually write. The same situation you have there, we have the same situation. There is no motion except to invoke Allah. Thank you very much for your valuable post sharing with us :heart:

Best Regards :rose:


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Wow, very informative post, really useful to read this writing @fasi6083 . Your family is super active with a great wife and an awesome hubby. You did your animation impressively, strong hands for push-up like that. Do you want to challenge the plank posture, hold in 10 mins?

Anyway, I will try to write something about yoga but please wait for awhile, maybe after this pandemic…when the topic is not suitable anymore… :yum: :yum: :yum: .

Unfortunately, fitness center is closed now due to covid…Haizzz, all things of all people are rearranged and chaotic…

Hope for the best.

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