A Local Guide from Lima - Peru

Being a Local Guide has been for me the most great oportunity to share content…and I think it is because I’ve always loved to generate content mainly with photos and some reviews. So much, that I used to have a blog about my urban photographs. My hobby was to share people the artistic urban interventions or related activities that happen in our city (Lima). But the issue I got was that I used to got everywhere with a too big camera and usually that was the reason I deserted many times to go some places alone.

Nowadays (since I became a Local Guide), I go to many places just with my phone a later I upload some photos I take and tell how was my experience there to help people near that place. So now my frecuency of publishing has increased a lot because is more easy for me and its no limited by the topic I was talking in my blog so I have more activities to share like my practice of handstands in different places or the travels that I make.

I hope I can meet new Local Guides from Perú that live in Lima to share tips or experiences :slight_smile:

@Alessandra2112 I was thinking of visiting Peru, please could you share some pictures from there . Thanks