A Local exhibition to support the small local businesses in my Neighborhood

  • Local exhibitions are a great event for small businesses or organizations to promote their products, goods and services to local community. They are also a fantastic way for communities to promote their businesses. • Showcasing the products to a local community can help the small local traders to grow their business.
  • The Dammam government recently held a local expo at a prominent exhibition venue to assist small traders in selling their goods and services.
  • The primary goal of the exhibition was to allow small business owners to exhibit their handmade and creative goods while also promoting food culture by displaying a range of food cuisines, desserts, and local spices.
  • My family and I visited a neighborhood show. Over 100 small businesses exhibited their merchandise at the event. Based on the conversations I had with local vendors, the majority of these traders are unaware of the online platforms that can be used to exhibit and advertise their items.
  • I had the opportunity to show small business owners on how to use Google Maps to add their business location and how they may advertise and market their goods as a business owner using the same Google Maps. In addition, I explained how customer reviews on Google Maps may be used as feedback to improve their goods and services. I gave them a few examples of business owners who responded to my Google Maps reviews and agreed to act on my input about their goods or services.
  • Overall, I had a wonderful time visiting such an exhibition, especially with my family, to see a wide range of local merchandise and services. From the vendors, we ended up buying some traditional attire, desserts, and spices.

Nice photographs @fasi6083 I like the way the government helping the small businesses to thrive and succeed.

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Supporting small local businesses is important in keeping our communities vibrant and strong. I love that you’re finding creative ways to help them out. @fasi6083 Thanks for sharing with us.

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The photos are so beautiful especially the crafts (jewelry, frames and boxes).
I like that you had time to educate some exhibitors of google map. This is good to read, thanks for sharing @fasi6083

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Indeed, small businesses play an important role in strengthening a country’s economy. Any assistance provided by the government to SMEs will benefit the local community @Heena93


Thanks for the comment @NahidHossain One of Google Maps’ core values is to support small businesses in the community in thriving by expressing and marketing their goods through Google Maps. I am grateful for the opportunity to educate small local vendors on the numerous advantages of using Google Maps for their businesses.

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Iam glad that you like the post, thanks for the comment my friend @MrFreez


The images from the exhibition are beautiful @fasi6083

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