A little Introduction to the World of Cute Latte Art

A little Introduction to

My.#CuteBartistalife :green_heart:

A s****hot of Matcha, whisked in hot water and 250ml of cold milk, steamed and __foamed__into a cute kitty surrounded by hearts :heart:


Awesome Latte art!

Thank you @OhHiimHelen for sharing!

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So cuteee!


Omg sooooo cute :heart_eyes: !!

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Hi @OhHiimHelen ,

Welcome to the Local Guides community!

If you haven’t done that already, please take a moment to read more Why be a Local Guide? and your guide to Connect. You can introduce yourself and greet everyone in this monthly topic.

The second photo you’ve posted does not appear to be your own and is in violation of the rules. For reference please read the original content guidelines on Connect.

Please make sure you edit it and remove the photo that is not yours, or your post will be moved to the off-topic section of the community. In case you don’t have such photos, you can always make use of our photo library.

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Sorry KatyaL!

I have not yet read the local guide as i am still very new to this.

I have edited the post now, please let me know again if it is ok to post it like this?

@OhHiimHelen Beautiful art.


Hi @OhHiimHelen ,

It seems that the photo that is not your own is still visible in your post. Do you mind removing it? Thanks in advance.

You can tag Connect members in your posts by writing @ before their name. When you tag someone he’ll be notified by you :slightly_smiling_face:

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