A little forest moment


Hi @ThomasBiziouras,

Thank you for sharing this photo with us. What camera and editor did you use? Is this flower typical to the area you live?

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Hello @ThomasBiziouras ,

I just wanted to congratulate you for this amazing photo, thank you for sharing it with us. The flower and the bee - eternal love. :slight_smile:

Can’t wait to see your next post.


Hi @InaS , yes this crocus flower is very typical in Grevena region where I live. It is one of the first flowers that blossom every year. I find it in various colors like yellow and purple (most commons), but also white, light-purple…

Took this photo yesterday, with my Nikon D3300 and used Adobe’s Lightroom to slightly correct the lighting

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Thank you so much @BorrisS !

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Great shot @ThomasBiziouras

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@AbdullahAM thank you!

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Great photo, @ThomasBiziouras

bees are one of my favourite subject, when taking photos. Here one of my shoot


Lovely photo @ErmesT ! Thank you for sharing!

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Hi @ThomasBiziouras ,

This photo show us the real life where even the animals are working to produce something which is important for the people as well.

I love to capture such photos as well. Here you can find one of mine such photos:

@ErmesT your photo is great as always!

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Great photo @PoliMC , thanks for sharing!

Posting one more of my recent ones:


Hi @ThomasBiziouras ,

This is amazing as well! It’s just perfect how did you captured the bee! Congrats!

I will wait for more such great photos from you!


great photo @ThomasBiziouras of one of the first flowers of the year.

Beautiful, @PoliMC . I can’t wait for the new blossom.

I also find exciting to try to “freeze” a flying bee, but most of the time you simply don’t have enough light, in the underwood


Thank you very much @PoliMC !

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Thank you for your reply @ThomasBiziouras . The light purple crocus flower must be very beautiful. Are there many types of flowers that can grow only in the region?

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@InaS we have a few species that grow here and are unique worldwide, like the Viola Vourinensis for example

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Hi @ErmesT ,

Thanks for this amazing photo again!

It’s a perfect shot I think. The bee is in the move to the flower - just wonderful. I am waiting for the new flowers this year as well. I will wait from you a post about it!

@ThomasBiziouras is photography your hobby?


Nice shot @ErmesT !

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yes @PoliMC it is a hobby and a great “excuse” to be out, in touch with nature that I love so much!


Hi @ThomasBiziouras ,

Thanks for your reply!

That’s very nice! My hobby is the same as well and yeah I agree with you that’s excuse to go out and to be in touch with the nature. I will wait from you another such amazing photos!

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