A little discovery during a walk

Hi everyone!

Today I want to tell you about a little discovery made during a quiet walk in the hills of Creazzo, a small town in Vicenza.

This is a small but at the same time intimate church built to pray to the Virgin Mary.

Built in simple bricks and local white stone, it is also distinguished by its bell tower which marks the time throughout the valley.

Inside you immediately notice the altar dedicated to the Mother of Jesus and the care with which the local parishioners embellish everything with fresh and fragrant flowers.

The light that enters through the stained glass windows makes the atmosphere very intense and gives peace and tranquility once inside.

Although it was erected in a sparsely inhabited area, it is still the destination of many faithful who meet every week to pray together and share moments of faith.

The very essence of this small place of worship is its simplicity: it demonstrates that people do not need immense cathedrals to manifest their faith and give thanks to their God.

Here the maps : Chiesa della Rivella (Vicenza, Italy)

