'A Like for a Follow' - The Google CoNNect Way

:blush: :clap:t3: :clap:t3:

If I said the Google Team was the most thoughtful on the Planet, w****ould I be wrong :thinking: ?

Could all the innovative ways the Google team have set in place to make the world a more beautiful place be as a result of ‘20% time’ or is it that Google is filled with people whose lifestyle is actually similar to that of the Local Guides; People who actually want to make the World better by helping others?

Today, I was opportune to attend a Virtual Meetup organized by @TravellerG sir and his very efficient and effective team.

I was invited by my first and only friend on Connect at the moment; @meghanajain who

was also the fantastic Master of Ceremony (she did her work like an INTERNATIONAL Red Carpet Host of high standing!) which had @ArchitOjha Presenting and people from India, Nepal, Indonesia, Pakistan and Germany attending, was nothing short of informative, eye-opening and entertaining. :clap:t3: :clap:t3:

I specifically downloaded the Google Meet for this Virtual Meetup :see_no_evil:

I never knew about Connect or About Meet-ups until March, 2020 when I received e-mails about it.

Immediately, I discovered Connect was that social media space I have been looking for my entire life!

I have always wanted to keep my life ‘private’ while educating others but no other social media hangout made it possible, I was always afraid of giving off too much of myself to people who weren’t deserving until I met Connect; a purposeful Social Media with Like-minded people committed to thesame goal of setting the world ablaze in a virtual reality!

Must I say I Love Connect?

Google has set up this space to connect; to meet and share ideas with like-minded people; people who have thesame goal as you.

So, feel free to connect, begin by;

  1. liking someone’s post,

  2. comment,

  3. follow them.

I take it a step further and follow anyone who gives me a comment or a like :grin: because this platform is about bonding. How do I bond with someone I do not even see?

These are real people operating in real time zones.

If Google wanted to be selfish, we wouldn’t have Connect.

It is time to make use of this Platinum opportunity.


Seize the opportunity to give;

‘A Like for a Follow’- The CoNNect Way

and who knows? you may even discover a Treasure here…


Hi @Ewaade_3A I’m also one of the part of the meetup from Bangladesh. You’re right. This meetup is very informative. Nice to meet you. Thanks for your valuable post sharing with us :pray: and congratulations for your nice journey with us.

[ Stay Home, Keep Clean, Stay Healthy and Always Be Happy With Your Friends and Family ]

Best Regards

Omar :bangladesh:


( Click Here & Read My Previous Post )


Hi @Ewaade_3A I’m also one of the part of the meetup from Bangladesh. You’re right. This meetup is very informative. Nice to meet you. Thanks for your valuable post sharing with us :pray: and congratulations for your nice journey with us.

[ Stay Home, Keep Clean, Stay Healthy and Always Be Happy With Your Friends and Family ]

Best Regards

Omar :bangladesh:


( Click Here & Read My Previous Post )


awww🥰, thanks for being there too. It was nice being with you all


Hey buddy @Ewaade_3A Thank You so much for your kind words :pray:t2: :blush: I’m glad you joined us.


It was my absolute pleasure @meghanajain


Hi @Ewaade_3A you are fortunate you got here. Welcome aboard :running_man::running_man::v:

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