Hello everyone, I’m Atik, a Level 6 local guide from the beautiful city of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Today, I’m excited to share a heartwarming experience that recently happened to me - a delightful surprise gift from Google.
A few days ago, just when I was least expecting it, my phone rang. I picked it up, and to my surprise, it was a delivery man on the other end. He told me a special gift, courtesy of Google, had arrived for me. You can only imagine the excitement and joy that coursed through me at that moment. It felt like a dream come true.
This surprise gift meant more to me than I can express. It wasn’t just about the physical item; it was a gesture that spoke volumes about the bond we, as Local Guides, share with Google. It showed us that our contributions were not going unnoticed. The hours we spent adding places, writing reviews, and sharing our local knowledge were being valued and appreciated.
This gift reminds us that our contributions are not just about numbers but about people, connections, and making life easier for others. By sharing our insights, we help travelers find the best places to eat, explore, and connect with the heart of our beautiful country, Bangladesh.
As a Local Guide, It has shown me that our voices matter, our efforts are appreciated, and our contributions make a real difference. It has made me even more excited to continue helping people discover the hidden gems of Rajshahi and Bangladesh on Google Maps.