A friendly place to learn and appreciation for fine arts

Have you ever heard this phrase ‘the earth without art is just eh’? Maybe it means that our world will be imperfect without art in life. We have even known art since the age of cavemen. From various arts one of them is fine art, whose function is to be enjoyed as something beautiful.

Well if you are an art observer or not, now there is an art gallery that is big enough for the public in Surabaya. The place is inside Lenmarc Mall. Please visit if you are near here. It’s name is Surabaya Art Center.

This art space displays a variety of fine art works from several local and foreign galleries. The existence of this art exhibition space has a purpose to bring art closer to the public audience. Because it’s not just a showroom according to management, here also there will be certain activities including other art performances.

Child-friendly, as the beginning of learning and appreciation for fine arts. If interested you can buy the artwork that is displayed. There are receptionists and curators who can kindly help, provide an explanation if you want to know more about the artwork displayed. So try visiting here!


Hello @AndrianN ,

Thank you for sharing, I think your post will be very interesting for other Local Guides who are also art lovers. If I am still in Indonesia I would love to visit this art exhibition, and is the exhibition permanent or temporary?

Hi @AngieYC

Thank you for your concern. As far as I know, this exhibition space has worked with mall management for the existence of this place in a long period of time. I hope someday if you are in Surabaya, visit here! :blush:

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