In the southern region (Barisal, Patuakhali, Pirojpur, Jhalokati, Barguna, Bholar) in the canals and ponds, a kind of long green leaf hogla is a special plant that grows in rural environment. , Herbaceous plant. This plant is born naturally due to carelessness. The first stem of the leaf emerges from the tuber (seed) under the soil. A total of 8-12 leaves grow in each cluster. Flowers produce fruit and fruits produce seeds.
When it is more mature, it floats in the air. Somewhere it touches the ground and sprouts and gives birth to a new tree. Hogla leaves grow 3-4 meters long on average. However, they grow up to 1-8 (3-23 feet) meters long. It is a cluster plant. Once its seedlings are planted in the soil, it spreads over a wide area for ages. Unnecessary abandoned fallow lands. It does not attack any disease or insects. It brings significant income at the end of the year without any negligence. Gives.
There are many families or farmers in the country who make a living only by cultivating hogla. Many times they do not cultivate it on their own land. They cut it from the place where they are born without ownership and sell it in the market. This tree can withstand water continuously for years.
Generally no fertilizer is required in Hogla land. Hogla leaves are not only effective as leaves. Hogla trunk is used as food as the main ingredient of very tasty food. Hogla field flowers in the month of Shravan-bhadra. Known as Gundi. This Gundi village has won the hearts of the people of Bengal a long time ago, now it has taken place in the list of many favorite and advisable foods in the city kitchen.
The farmers of our country have made it more aesthetic by applying some techniques and intellect from their own experience. For example, in the morning or in the afternoon the stumps have to be broken. First you have to cut the stump and dry it on paper or clean cloth for 1-2 days. Then you have to tie a very thin cloth in a clean pan or bowl and tap the stump gently. It is very fragrant. Dried stems can be kept in airtight containers for up to a year. 50 grams of stems are obtained from each flower bud. 1 to 1.25 kg logs are obtained from 80-100 flowers of Hoglar. The local price of 1 kg logs is 350-400 rupees. Losses of 10-20 thousand rupees per year can be collected from 1 acre of land. , Payesh, sandesh, pitha-puli, naru biscuits are made.
The powder made from hogla leaves is in great demand in Barisal area as it is rich in nutrients and delicious. In the month of Ashar and Shravan, powder is collected from the flowers of hogla leaves and sold in the market.