Whenever I go through the Connect profile of a person, I also look for the posts marked as solutions.
Amazingly, some users display the badge of “New solutionist.” However, no content appears under the heading Solutions.
Nevertheless, these aren’t old cases from the previous version of Connect.
It isn’t possible to conceal or delete any post. However, sometimes the solution is undone. Nevertheless, the badge remains.
I find that’s the way the Connect site makes the users happy. Once a user receives a badge, that remains forever even though the underlying posts vanish for whatever reasons!
It sure sounds strange. I have never noticed this issue. Rather the opposite. After earning a solution the counter does not increase. So, I suspect that solutions that later are merged into other discussions are actually subtracted from count of solutions.
I just counted af found the following on my profile: The page with solutions lists 49 solutions and the counter is stuck at 22 (for months is has been 20-21).
I have not experienced that my self, but I hope to know what is really happening to that badge. First, can you please confirm if this is an existing local guide profile with actual posts or just a profile with badges and no content created under it.
The Badge you are talking about is it something like the one appearing on the screen short bellow, but without details under the badge :
That’s a bizarre way to display the statistics. Although there are counts of “Total Solutions Marked Accepted” (by you) and “Total Solutions Unmarked Accepted” (by you) the stats page does not display the count of your answers accepted as solutions. We need to count that by going through the “Solutions” tab.
Yes @Raphael-Mahumane . One such profile is there in today’s “How-to’s” section. I came across many such profiles. However, I do not wish t mention any specific one to protect the privacy.
Hi @MortenCopenhagen thank you for mentioning your issue, regarding total number of solution count being stuck, can you please create a separate post about it so that it can be investigated, if there is something wrong about it, as it might happen that it is affecting more local guides but since we never notice we will never know. Cheers!
Total Solutions Authored is the number of solutions “counted” that I have
Total Solutions Marked Accepted is the number of solutions accepted by me
Total Solutions Unmarked Accepted is the number of solutions accepted by me
Being a Moderator I can accept and remove solutions also on others post that are not mine
Regarding badge and solutions, please remember that in Connect we see what I can see. If the solution, in the specific case, has been received on a board where we do not have access, we will not be able to see the post
I know, I do not have access to the SVTP board. I do not know any other board where I do not have access.
The case which I came across anew, does not have an SVTP badge.
Nevertheless, I have observed the same phenomenon even in case of a new writer badge too. Sometimes, a solo post by the user either gets marked as spam, or merged with some existing thread. Still the badge remains.
In a previous case that I observed, the solution badge was removed after 24 hours (it was a Local Guide giving solutions to himself, and I removed all the solutions because not appropriate).
Regarding posts, my feeling is that a post is counted even if on a second step is merged.
In my experience, some times ago, I’ve recieved a notification that stated that a Moderator has flag my comment as a solution. When I checked it, yes, I’ve got the badge.
But soon after that, when I check the post which my comment has flagged as a solution, the moderator has untag and unflag my comment as solution. When I check my profile, the badge is gone. The solution tab in my profile is back empty.
The badge does not vanish even though a solution is unmarked. I am sharing a screen shot of one profile (hiding some of the details so as to protect the privacy).