8 Female Lions Hunting inside Kruger National Park, South Africa

Hi Local Guides,

Great to see some of the greatest and the best feature in the Guiding Stars Program and I really am jealous if not anything else but also happy for them as they continued during these stressful times and helped millions of people around the world. Kudos to each and every one of them along with all of us who are regularly contributing too to the platform. Cheers!!!

One amazing thing happened as I went to Kruger National Park again with my family this year once the lockdown restrictions were lifted and we came across a group of 8 Lionesses who were trying to hunt a Wildebeest using the flank strategy without making any noise and coordinating their efforts! Such a lovely sight it was and captured using the Canon 77D DSLR camera and Vivo Mobile X50 Pro smartphone camera.

I hope you will enjoy this sight and this time we stayed inside the Satara Rest Camp which itself is very unique as the construction of chalets inside is in the circles from A to G if I remember correctly. It’s one of the most sought after camps due to being in the centre of Kruger where most of the action is and ease of travelling to both lower and upper parts of the Kruger National Park. I am sure you will enjoy the view. Thanks and welcome me back to the platform as I have enough content to entertain you all from Johannesburg, South Africa!


Aashish Rai Jain